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There is also the rule of thirds idea, which providesone-third to shared ideas from thought leaders, one-third to personalinteractions with your followers, and one-third to your business to convert andcreate profit. All in all, you have many different avenues to generate strongcontent including: Leverage your blog content Repurpose other marketing effortssuch as landing pages, videos, offers, etc. Post and share industry news Useinfluencers Post user-generated content UGC Share tips and tricks such asrecipes or unusual ways to use your products Ask followers questions togenerate conversations Use hashtags to help generate more .UGC McInerneybelieves that happy customers are your best asset so it’s important to look atthe top ten people that consistently engage with your content and nurture themas your advocates. She also recommends seeking out influencers that Find Your Mobile Number List can help toshare and create new content. This can help to expand your reach and drivebrand awareness. RELATED Social Media: What Countries Use It Most & WhatAre They Using? Social Media Marketing Interview TheKey Social Media Platforms A Complete Marketing Guide Learn how to Create aSuccessful Social Media Plan Becoming a successful social media marketerrequires up-to-date skills and in-depth knowledge. Our Professional Diploma inSocial Media Marketing explores social research, social content, socialcustomer service and social strategy to help you set up a robust social mediaplan. You will also gain insights into how to leverage social channels in youractivities from Facebook to TikTok to WhatsApp.
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