We have therefore understood that search engines approach
Your site in two distinct phases: first they index them with the help of their robots, and then they move on to the actual analysis phase, to evaluate whether your site could be more exhaustive. and more useful than that of your competitor regarding a series of keywords .But what do search engines look at to Email Dataunderstand if your portal is better than the others? They certainly don't give the same importance to every single part of your site: in such a universe, SEO principles simply could not exist. Fortunately this is not the case. In the HTML codes of online pages there are in fact 'special' points that speak directly to search engines, which are therefore more sensitive to these specific strings.
SEO Guide: Google misses nothing Of course, this doesn't mean that search engines don't care about anything else. On the contrary: Google looks everywhere, it doesn't miss even a corner of your website. Consider that, for example, now Google is even able to interpret images, so as to obtain the content in full autonomy. Do you post a photo with a seagull? Well, he can understand it now. And if that seagull is in the background, he won't even miss the pier advancing between the sea waves, the boats, the swimmers all around and the little clouds on the horizon.