mdimranhasan409 發表於 2024-3-9 19:25:10

Facebook does offer pay-for-performance

But Twitter can be far superior for lead generation.2. Keyword TargetingKeyword targeting is a remarkably interesting and precise way to go after specific people who have demonstrated intent on Twitter.You can target people who have used a specific word or hashtag in their Twitter update (or people who have interacted with tweets containing those words) in the last seven days.Facebook doesn’t allow you to do this. On Facebook, you can’t target by keywords. Facebook only offers topic targeting.What’s the difference? Well, on Facebook I can only go after people who are interested in AdWords as a topic.On Twitter, I can get much more precise.

I could target Andppcchat – a popular hashtag for marketers to talk about all things PPC.twitter Benin WhatsApp Number ads keyword targetingFacebook has an exhaustive list of tens of thousands of topics. But as great as it is, Facebook doesn’t have a category for something as granular as Andppcchat.Let’s look at one crazy example of this in practice: AndFIFAgate.promoted hashtag twitter adsI paid $25 to promote this tweet. It got 40,000 paid impressions (plus nearly 15,000 organic impressions!):hastag targeting on twitter adsThe promotion was hashtag-based. Only people interested in AndFIFAgate saw it.And something funny happened. This promoted tweet ended up being featured in an article, The 14 Best Tweets from FIFA gate. Odds are you want see something like that happen as a result of advertising on Facebook.This shows just how amazingly powerful Twitter advertising can be. Instead of tweeting to everybody, you can only target people who are engaged with that topic.

Tweet Engager TargetingTweet engager targeting is another way to reach an audience in a remarkably targeted way. With this form of advertising, you remarket to people who recently saw or engaged with your tweet.twitter ads engager targetingThis is a real hidden gem of Twitter advertising. Rather than going for everybody on Twitter in a non-targeted way, you can target not only the people who saw your promoted tweet, but those people who actually engaged with it.Targeted people who engaged with your tweets is Twitter’s version a laser-guided missile for finding the 1 percent of your most engaged users. Amazing stuff here!twitter ads are awesomeFacebook doesn’t have anything comparable to this.

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