Here are four steps to writing better content for your HR brand: Think about goals before topics First and foremost, whenever we launch a new client strategy, it's about writing to meet their specific goals. The topics our clients are interested in can be similar, but the goals can be different, depending on the action they want their readers to take. So the way we set up the theme will change based on the final message. For example, let’s take “hire the right candidates.
A client who specializes in applicant tracking software may want an article discussing the best strategies for attracting top candidates. in application software, one of the points should America Cell Phone Number List be the advantage of relying on a software platform to track applicants, trend data points, optimize advertising and perform other logistical tasks. For staffing firms that match employers and job seekers, a series of strategies will include two aspects - how the organization recruits better candidates and how the candidates find the right employer.
While brand/industry/audience varies from client to client, I find that many of my clients prefer a balance between: informative educate High for small and medium-sized enterprises approachable Understand user needs Once you understand the ultimate goal of content marketing, the next step is to understand what each target audience is looking for. This gets easier with experience, but when I write for an employer, I think about what the employer values and try to imagine some possibilities that the average employer might not consider. The same goes for job seekers.