They are different things and both are very important. If you do not complete the trademark registration application process , you run the risk of someone registering it and stealing your concept without you being able to do anything. This procedure is done at the IMPI and here you must register the domain of your website or online store, logo, slogan, brand identity, etc. These are the necessary procedures for digital businesses, but there are some extra ones for businesses with commercial premises or that involve the sale of food and alcohol. As you can see, starting a digital business is not that simple, but it is not impossible either.
Starting a business requires order, organization, a lot of research and Croatia Phone Number List decision-making based on analysis. Take advantage of technological tools to accelerate or boost your business. If you have reached this part of the article, we are sure that nothing will stop you in your endeavor. This content was prepared by Esteffanía Rivera, Content Strategist at Tiendanube .Product Branding: how to undertake this strategy to boost your brand Product branding is an important strategy that helps consumers identify and differentiate one product from another.
Companies of all sizes can successfully implement it and take advantage of its benefits. Giuseppe Caltabiano in read discover the concept of product branding and how to do it What makes the world's most recognized products so attractive? The product itself has to be of quality, of course. But quality alone does not guarantee success. The best products in the world have something else on their side: the global branding of their products. A product brand is an essential element to consider as part of a broader branding strategy because it gives your products a life and personality of their own.