product or service from a cold lead to a hot lead that can be handed over to the sales department and lead to a contract . is said that acquiring a new customer is five times more expensive than retaining an existing customer . The ``Pareto Principle'' states that a company's sales are maintained by 20 of its existing customers , which shows how important it is to maintain good relationships with existing customers . Also, if you are running a campaign such as ``half price for the first time'' with the premise that customers will make repeat purchases for a certain period of time , retaining existing customers should be an important mission .
CRM for relationships with existing customers is a continuous approach based on data accumulated from past actions such as customers' hobbies and preferences, budget, lifestyle , and seasonal trends to improve satisfaction. This will help increase India WhatsApp Number Data your subscription and prevent churn . In particular, for services that use a subscription model and have a certain number of cancellations , CRM measures are effective in following up with existing customers to encourage continued use . We aim to retain existing customers by providing information that matches customer preferences and by providing benefits such as coupons .

What is a CRM tool CRM tools are systems that realize CRM as a management and marketing method . As mentioned above, CRM has developed due to advances in IT , and it has become an indispensable part of modern marketing. The basic functions of CRM tools are as follows. customer database A customer database comprehensively manages all customer information that has previously been left to individual salespeople, teams, or departments to manage . For example, you can manage information such as Person in charge name Attributes such as the department to which the person in charge belongs Company address, phone