Wikipedia Larry Landweber created THEORYNET at the University of Wisconsin. He used TELENET and an email system on the local level to provide email access and communication to over computers at the university. THEORYNET is the spiritual predecessor of CSNET. Source: FTP server PeopleLawrence Landweber Larry Landweber – born in Brooklyn, New York in . A computer scientist and professor. His greatest achievements are the development of NSFNET and efforts to push the TCP/IP onto the computer science community.
IT History Society TechnologiesTHEORYNET – this was the first college-level India Mobile Database computer network used by scientists at the University of Wisconsin. It allowed file transfer and email communication. THEORYNET is the predecessor of the Computer Science Network CSNET that would serve as a mutual network for all US universities. Source: Internet Hall of FameStatistics hosts – a computer networking system created and used at the University of Wisconsin.
It used TELENET as a network server and had an email system. It was used by scientists on the campus. The first ever spam is recorded. A DEC employee Gary Thuerk sent an email advertisement to almost ARPANET users. The email advertised System- mini-computers that were sold by the DEC. It asked email recipients to drop by their stores and check out their product. Source: CnetPeopleGary Thuerk – date of birth unknown. Known as the “father of spam” and “father of email marketing.